I’ve been there. Come join me and learn to delight in Him,
even from the middle of sorrow.
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Encouragement for Your Journey
Our Bodies Weren’t Made to Carry Death
I needed a headshot for something the other day and after dozens of attempts, I realized my eyes really were just that sad and tired-looking, it wasn’t the camera angle or the lighting. I shared earlier this year about miscarrying last November. Despite the many losses before that one, the loss of that pregnancy felt…
Older Child Adoption
The 2 Kinds of Dates that Saved My Marriage
In full disclosure, I’ll admit that I didn’t date much before I got married. And by “not much”, I mean, the younger brother of my roommate once asked if his sister and I would go on a “fun date” with him and a friend (so they could practice taking a girl out for dinner) and…
Living Faith
Let Me Tell You A Story About Breath
Recently we heard a testimony from a friend who lives in Northern Africa where his family helps fledging farmers build dairy herds. He shared about a season of deep discouragement, where it felt like too much heaviness, too much death, too many questions. He got a call late at night from a farmer with a…