::The Haitian Chronicles::
There were many “incidentals” that we accomplished besides the planned roofing project while in Haiti. The guys built a garbage pit, fixed a widow’s house and made numerous trips to Aquin.
Meg and I became school photographers and sweated our way through three hundred and some pictures. It was a real work-out to try and convince those solemn faced children to smile. Sometimes we were successful, sometimes not.
We were kept busy and productive.
Still, it was the mornings that I treasured the most.
I often was the first one up and around the mission house. I would tiptoe through the kitchen and try to make a cup of coffee quietly (a very hard task when you’re using a paper towel and a strainer) so as not to awaken Gene who was sleeping on the couch. I don’t think I was ever successful.
Then, with my notebook, Bible, pencil, coffee and spray bottle of vanilla (keeps mosquitoes away) I would go and sit on the porch and watch the sun peek over the edge of the mountain in front of me.
The days began slow. It was often cool, so I could wear my sweatshirt as I drank my coffee (heavenly). One morning I was extra cold so I brought a quilt out with me. Brunel, one of our dear Haitian friends, came walking by and said, “Natasha! Sa pa New York!” (Natasha! This isn’t New York!) He really thought it was funny that I was cold.
I read the Psalms a lot on those mornings. They seemed to echo through me.
I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
Yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
But as for me,
It is good to be near God.
I will praise God’s name in song
And glorify him with thanksgiving.
Once the sun was fully up, the mosquitoes would swarm with a vengeance. About then I would gather my stuff and go inside. Gene would be awake, reading his Bible, so I would curl up on the other couch and turn to the New Testament.
Sometimes we talked about what we were reading. Sometimes there would be worship music playing. Sometimes it was just quiet.
Once there was stirring from the other two team members I would get up and start breakfast. Soon my husband would appear and give me a good morning kiss before he started more coffee.
It was beautiful.
For now, this will be the last of my “Haitian Chronicles”. I’m sure more stories from our time there will filter into my posts in the weeks and months to come. But these were the highlights.
I will leave you with one last mini-story.
It was the morning we were to fly out of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Ours plans were to leave at 3:30am to make it to the airport on time. At 4:00am and no departure time in sight, Meg said, “I think this is going to be one for The Adventure Book.”
It was, indeed an adventure. One that had our minds scrambling to figure out what we would do if we missed our plane and were stranded in a foreign country.
As we were walking through security, with minutes left before our departure time, Meg said, “Now, I wonder what you call something that goes beyond adventure?”
Gene looked up and grinned, “You call it Haiti.”
Hello, Natasha! I’ve put two and two together and realized that we have many mutual friends AND you have been visiting my blog lately. Nice to finally ‘meet’ you by finding your blog. I would love to get in touch with you more personally -but can’t find your address. Would you mind emailing me? Talk to you soon!