Close Your Eyes {And See}
(Today for something different, I thought that I’d join in with the community at for five-minute fridays. She gives a prompt word and bloggers write for five-minutes straight, without editing, whatever comes to mind. It gives a chance to practice writing, loosen up perfectionism and catch a glimpse into the hearts and minds of the writers- unedited. So, join me today? The prompt word: see.)
I can hear, today, the whisper that has glanced over my life since the day I surrendered. The call of a God who says:
“now you see through a glass dimly but the day will come…”
The One who opened the eyes of the servant with Elisha in the Old Testament and allowed him to see the legions of heavenly soldiers standing guard over the city. The One who opened the eyes of the blind and freed those trapped in bondage.
This God, this love of mine, who rescued me, spoke into my life and whispers {even now} into my frustrations and fears: Tasha, oh, beloved daughter, close your eyes. Close your eyes and see. See my plans. See my heart. See my love. See that I am in control. Not your circumstances. Not your finances. Not your fears. Me. The Creator and Redeemer of the world.
And I am humbled. My knees tremble and I bow low. A child of dust who hears the voice of God.
Forever grateful for the death of a king that broke the hold of the enemy and tore the curtain in the temple so that I, a lowly sinner, can hear Him personally. And through His voice, the earthly-scales can be ripped free from my eyes and I can learn to see what is real.
For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [ by God]. I Corinthians 13:12 AMP
for more five-minute friday posts go here. my favorite of those I read? This one.
Beautiful words! How true, if we only, truly, open our eyes, we can SEE Him!
Help! I am trying to do this and I don’t know how….”newbie” here can’t sort out how to do the “link back and forth stuff.
I figured it out! Woot! I am going to dig around my desk drawers for a sticky star and put it on my chest!
Yay! Good job! 🙂 🙂
Evenin’ Natasha girl,
How our souls long to see Him!!! Thank you for sharing this, and thank you Jesus! ~ Blessings on your weekend, Amy
I love your title. Sometimes it isn’t about looking with our eyes. SO many times it isn’t about looking with our eyes. Our eye sight makes it too easy for pesky circumstances to get in our way. Thanks for posting this.
I love that, “too easy for pesky circumstances to get in the way”. Yes, yes. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for sharing this! How often do we insist on looking with our earthly eyes rather than the eyes of our souls.
Thank you for this beautiful post.
“This God, this love of mine, who rescued me, spoke into my life and whispers {even now} into my frustrations and fears: Tasha, oh, beloved daughter, close your eyes. Close your eyes and see. See my plans. See my heart. See my love. See that I am in control. Not your circumstances. Not your finances. Not your fears. Me. The Creator and Redeemer of the world.”
an extra AMEN to that one!