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  1. Bethany Davis says:

    Hi Natasha,

    I love this post. I think this is about the third or fourth time reading it in the past several years. I love the story you wrote for yur sweet girl😉😊🥰😍💖❤ I’m sure she probably loved it equally as much😉 I love the dress your sweet girly is wearing in the pictures. I actually had a dress which was VERY similar when I was that same age. My Mom would agree with the little girl in the story about not loving the spiders😉😁 My Mom HATES spiders🙄😬😕😟😱😮

    God Bless!
    Bethany Davis

  2. Beautiful pictures. Beautiful girl. Beautiful story.

    We all have to find our own fairy tale, seeing how God is weaving our stories.

  3. So much beauty and love, truth and reality. Thank you for sharing it all, Tasha. It’s easy to tell you are a fabulous mommy to your lovely daughter.

  4. Tasha,
    Wow God certainly is the God of redemption! We know God is walking this walk with you!
    Love the photos, the story, the hope. Thanks!

  5. I’ve never understood “the end” in fairytales, or any other story for that matter, because we know it’s simply where the path diverges… it’s not the beginning either, but a new chapter.

    Such beauty.


  6. Natasha, oh what a glorious story of ongoing redemption. I was walking into town this morning in Scotland thanking God for your news and praying for your wee family.

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      Oh, Anna– thank you so much for the prayers! I am astounded at God’s grace. He is good.

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      Ha ha! Thanks! 🙂

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