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  1. First I want to thank YOU for being willing to listen and heed God in these situations. It’s not easy to do.

    It’s so hard to remember that we can’t do everything, save everyone, be everything…we have to trust that He will.

  2. Natasha, thank you for these brave and true words! This is beautiful and so right on. We have to humble our hero selves and pray to the Only One truly capable of delivering captives, and then start with “the one” right in front of us. Beautiful reminder. I will pray for your friend. <3

  3. This is just so good. It starts within ourselves and God is bigger.

  4. Oh goodness… So true. No matter how hard we try, we just can’t be a hero like He can. It’s so sad when you have to watch someone walk away from the love. But every once in a while, we get to see the grand redemption, and that makes all the former heartaches worth it.

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