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  1. Thank you, Natasha. Continually grateful for your transparency. I feel like we’re kindred souls, as you’re always somehow able to put into words the things in my heart.

    I’m still in the “without”, and I needed this reminder that knowing what the future holds won’t be the peace I long for. Trusting in the One who does know is the only peace I can put my hope in.

    Thank you. You’re a blessing.

    1. I am so thankful this blessed you. ❤️ Praying your “without” years are filled with peace.

  2. So, so many of your posts are exactly what I’ve been praying about. I haven’t dealt with infertility yet your blog posts are so related to everything I am going through! I am so so glad I stumbled across it one day! I’ve kept a log of my favourites to print and remind myself of.. God has so used you to speak to me in a hard place, which is funny as we haven’t faced the same things! Very encouraged! (From rainy Northern Ireland! 😊) x

    1. Laura,

      I am so, so thankful that you’ve been encouraged!

      I love how God is the same, no matter what circumstance we personally struggle with!

      May you know Him more,

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