things i love about my husband {17} companionship
Two nights ago I dreamed that my husband had died. I woke up and my heart nearly stopped until my flaying arm found his warm body next to me. It resumed when I felt his beating steady and true under the palm of my hand.
I know where the dream came from.
Our neighbor and friend, Jay, went in for bypass surgery and hasn’t come out of the anesthesia. His surgery was Wednesday. With every day that passes, the likelihood of recovery lessens.
I ache with the sadness of it.
It is five in the morning right now and my husband is down at their place, helping the boys milk their eighty cows so they will be free to go sit with their father in the hospital.
We are frail. Humanity is frail.
There are no guarantees and my husband could be the next one fighting for his life.
And while my hope is not in this world, while I know that God would be there, I also know that losing my husband’s companionship would be the hardest thing I could ever face.
Because no matter what our relationship is or isn’t– we’re together. He’s always there beside me when I wake up with arms flaying about. He’s always there when I have questions or my truck breaks down or I need someone to vent to. He’s even there when I just. want. a. little. space.
And I love it.
I love that I have a husband.
The Challenge:
Take a few minutes to treasure the fact that your husband is beside you. Because he might not always be.
I can’t imagine ever being without my husband.
But for right now, I’m not without him. I have him, near me…and it is such an extraordinary gift. I lay in bed and watch him sleep and am in awe that God would give this man to me, to love and serve and live beside.
Exactly. <3
This one is definitely a daily reality for me. In the same season that the Lord told me that I would be a wife someday, He also told me that I would be a widow. This knowing used to taint every good time I experienced with my husband. I looked towards that fateful aloneness with dread.
Then the Lord whispered to me, “Don’t count the days, make the days count.”
“Be thankful for what you have, don’t resent what you won’t have.”
So now…. I experience every moment, experience, touch and smile to the hilt. Today is my gift, I will appreciate its priceless worth as much as possible. I never want to look back and regret “what I should have done.”
Thank you for the quiet beauty of this post.