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  1. Natasha, I just HAD to share this with several friends, and they were at least as blessed as I was. I’m single, childless, cowless too (hee hee), pet-free, but it spoke deeply to me. I need to keep a link to this on my desktop for frequent reminders! You’re also helping me so much on my “single, health-forced infertility” journey. Love ya more than you know!! Your book is awesome as well!

  2. That’s REAL love. Not “teaching” others how to love us in the way that makes us happiest, but seeing Christ in any act of love. Wow & ouch. God speaks through you, Natasha.

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      I’m so glad. <3

  3. Oh Tasha, I needed to read this so badly. Tears because it’s conviction, conviction, conviction! Thank you for opening my eyes to the blindness and destruction of my kind of “love.”

  4. sierravbrock says:

    WOW. I love this. Such a good reminder to me. I love reading your blog!!! Thank you for writing.

  5. Oh goodness… I giggled in conviction during the beginning of the post, then felt the crush of it around the end. This was so real.

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