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  1. This is so beautiful and encouraging! Stories like yours give me the courage to continue waiting for God to bring my husband into my life.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to write this down, Natasha. Such a beautiful story of God’s perfect faithfulness, and the way He blessed you both in your faithfulness, too. As a single woman who also doesn’t get asked out, this is encouraging and hope giving. God is so good, and knows exactly what we need. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you, Tasha for sharing your beautiful story and sharing it so generously. I cried as I read it. You are a rare woman. Your husband is a rock. I’m so awed at this God written story of you. May He carry you and your husband from glory to glory, ever holding dear to His heart.
    It’s been a great encouragement to me personally. I felt the Lord Himself ministering to me through your amazing, amazing story. Thank you with all my heart.

  4. Thank you for sharing this Tasha.
    Was so blessed reading this.

    I rarely ever have toasters too. HAVEN’T had a guy ask me out this whole year.
    I am a bit like you were too. INfact i told God i didn’t want a relationship for the sake of it. Only guy allowed is His man for me. But it gets to me sometimes.. nips at my insecurity.

    I know God’s working out my love story. WOULD be here sooner than i think and i will laugh at His sense of humour too when I see how He sorted it all out even before i got there.

    Ps; wish there were pictures with the series

  5. Dear Natasha,

    I have read this rendition of your going through this troublesome time of meeting the man who truly sees your blessings.

    It is a story told with a beautiful heart, tenderly with great humor.

    I believe you were not the first to kiss him, I have read too many of your posts to think otherwise.

    There is something so filled with beauty, that comes out from your writing, this beauty is who you are, reflecting God’s love in your heart. I often think of the heart as the home of Jesus Christ, in me. There is an old rugged cross, inside the heart. That is only on a physical level. Yet it is, on a higher plane, where we experience love.

    Thank you for all you have written, as a father in waiting, who works with children also, I understand much of your struggle, you strengthen me. It is through this and the comfort of Our Savior, the Scripture with which we are blessed, that I can reconcile my lot.

    Thank you,

  6. Bethany Davis says:

    Hi Natasha,

    I had read this post about a month ago, but didn’t get the chance to comment until now. I love the finishing part to your story of meeting your husband! He sounds like a wonderful man! 13 Weddings! WOW! OK! I just quickly figured out that I have been to 11 Weddings myself in my life time so far. Half of them were my family; my brothers/cousins, and the rest of them were kids of family friends of ours. I’m sorry, but I got a big chuckle out of you being congratulated by some half drunk guys. Half drunk, which means they still had some sense in their heads:-) That’s too bad that the music didn’t start that you were supposed to walk down the aisle to, or that you didn’t get a picture with you and your flower girls, but your Wedding sounds like a perfect day in spite of all the mix ups involved.
    You should write a book about your story!

  7. Thank you for sharing. This is one of the most inspirational stories I’ve read in a long time!

  8. Shaya Bailey says:

    Dear Sister in Jesus, thank you SO very much for sharing your exquisitely beautiful story! I had tears in my eyes at the end. I love your analogy of the three types of girls, I’m one of your sort. It gave me courage, and made me laugh!
    Much Love!

  9. Elisabeth says:

    Absolutely beautiful.<3

  10. Thank you. This gives me hope to keep faith in my Savior, and in an earthly love story that my Father may be writing just now. May He continue to pull you each closer to each other and to Himself through the tumults of life.

  11. Delite Christman says:

    This was and is one of the best love stories I have ever read! Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  12. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. It has been a priveledge to share your journey and the last part has demonstrated Jeremiah 29 v11 embodied in your lives. God had not only a very special husband but very special children for you too. I pray he continues to bless you all .

  13. Natasha, this is one of the most beautiful, powerful stories I’ve ever read. (And I have read ever so many stories.) What a great capture of what it feels like to be loved with the love of Christ. Just beautiful. Thank you.

  14. This is one of the most beautiful and inspirational love stories I have ever read! I’m so thankful that you shared this story.

  15. Love, Love, LOVE your story! It makes me smile just reading it 🙂 I love it when God writes our romance stories and even at the time, we don’t know He’s doing it! Thanks for sharing, I have truly enjoyed reading it! 🙂

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