


Years ago, I had a dream. It was one of those vivid-remember-every-detail-when-you-wake-up kind. It began on a playground where crowds of people were playing. Children and adults milled everywhere. It was then that I saw it. A baby. Lying on the ground by the swing-set. It was ice cold and it didn’t move. I rushed to…

when life gets hard

when life gets hard

Sometimes life clouds right up with hard. I’m tired, there are kids whining and pulling at my skirt, there is paperwork than needs to be filled out, my husband is hungry and in a hurry, the bills are stacking up, my hair is frizzed out, my sister is moving too many miles away from me,…


It hits hard. That life is fragile. Our days are numbered. I’m sitting in the cry room at the back of church with three little cousins with pins on their shirts. “This is Nancy,” the red-headed boy says as he touches the picture-pin, “she died. She’s up there,” he points at the front of the…

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