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  1. Tashe,
    I am new to your blog and know that our dear Jesus led me here. My husband and I have just moved to a refugee apartment complex, and there are children everywhere, empty, starving-for-love, confusedly racist, precious in His sight… I am at a loss as to how to “treat” them – I love children so much, but don’t know the “right thing” to do…Thank you for showing me that I must just follow the heart God has placed in me – to simply love these dear ones like I long to. To fall into His hands with this, and take what He gives, striving for nothing more.
    Thank you for writing this. God has used you to open my heart, my eyes, to come to Him again as a loving Father. Thank you for being faithful!

    1. I’m so glad that you were touched! May you hear the Lord clearly as he guides you in ministering to those little ones who need him so desperately.

  2. To one of the best “Mommies” I know….I love you Tashe-girl….

  3. Beautiful: How wonderful it can be when we open our eyes to the other ways in which He will bless us.

  4. Natasha, you have a beautiful, Spirit-filled heart–reflecting Jesus in your words and actions! You are pouring Christ’s love into these precious children and all you come into contact with. What an honor to share in your experiences.

    1. Thank you for your constant encouragement. xx

  5. I’m not gonna lie…I needed this. Facing possible infertility myself, this was ANOTHER confirmation of a message He’s been working hard to sink into my thick skull.

    1. I pray that you do not have to face it but in the event that you do… may the Lord give you grace upon grace upon grace.

      If there is ever anything you need, questions, someone to talk to, prayer support, etc… feel free to contact me!

  6. This is breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Tashie.. I love you! Love this! Love your writing. It put tears in my eyes and gave me goose bumps! xoxo.

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