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  1. So totally, extraordinarily everyday! I think these little ones are so blessed to have you in their lives! It’s these days they won’t forget…I still remember the scolding look my aunt would give if I tried to get by with something mom wouldn’t let me do (she always knew!!) and all the fun things we did that got funner just for doing it with her! Like we had two moms, someone else who looked and hugged us in the special mom-way x

  2. How sweet. Your posts are so refreshing to read.

  3. Stopping by to say hello…thank you for sharing your auntie/mama day. Such beauty in the ordinary. Changes to blog are nice…have great weekend!

  4. Gail Snave says:

    Hi Natasha, after reading your blog, ai was reading Isaiah 54. The first part reminded me of you. May you be blessed. Gail

  5. Natasha, your pictures are wonderful and so is your writing.

  6. aroyaldaughter says:

    Oh my I bet you LOVE having them around! Enjoy your time, Auntie!

  7. This is beautiful! Your pictures are so lovely. What a blessed auntie you are!

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