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  1. Yes, Natasha, you’ve got it right! And clearly, your contentment with your home spills over into other areas of life, as I’ve found too. Only Jesus brings us to this point!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Loved this sharing, Natasha. Really hit home with me………living in a camper….LOL 🙂

  3. I get this on a few levels. My husband and I have had a comfortable..larger house for a while now but we’re ready to downsize to smaller and more manageable and intimate space. There is so much I don’t know about you and every time I learn something else it makes me smile.

  4. Elisabeth says:

    Somehow, your writing has made your wee house real to me too, and I loved it vicariously.

  5. Wow! Thanks Tasha for that great reminder! Contentment is a choice! Praise God for your ministry.

    Blessings Eunice

    Sent from my iPhone


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