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  1. First let me say I am so sorry for your loss! It is amazing how God sends you just what you need when you need it. After 10 years of infertility I was pregnant with our sweet boy. Unfortunately at on August 18 2021 at just 19 weeks pregnant I went into active labor and he was born sleeping. This grief is debilitating but reading your story made me not feel so lonely. I pray for your strength and peace as I pray for my own! Thank you so much

  2. Julie Payne says:

    I just wanted to thank you for your testimony in the middle of hard. I read this and feel God’s love for you, his daughter, through your testimony. Thank you for strengthening me in my hard thing. I pray that your heart will be filled with peace and reassurance that he knows you personally.

  3. Bethany Davis says:

    Hi Natasha,

    Oh my goodness, I am soooooooo sooooooorrrrrrrrry to hear this loss for you. I can’t even imagine how sad this is for all of you. You are all in my prayers in the days and weeks ahead. I wish I could give you a big hug in person right now.

    Love and Prayers,

      1. Bethany Davis says:

        I so wish you didn’t still have to go through this type of grief. I thought that Mary Kate’s birth was the start of a new chapter of NOT having to say goodbye to anymore babies too early. Wrapping you all in a virtual hug.

  4. Grace Lapp says:

    I’m so sorry. I care and I will pray for you in this tough season.

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