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  1. I think enemy cries out in rage when we believe and live this: Another painful, honest truth: If I’m not okay without a child, I never will be with one.

    Thank you for speaking truth into our lives, our hearts.

  2. Dear Natasha, The truth the Lord taught you “If I’m not okay without a child, I never will be with one.” He has showed this to me about getting married. It is so true. Unless Jesus is my fulfillment, I will never be satisfied. He only gives us peace and reason to go on living. xoxo

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      Hmm… so true, Ariel. And this can probably be applied to any area of our lives. Anything we have that we desire must be measured against Him. As you said, it is only in Him that we find peace.

      May you find more of Him each day. {hugs}

  3. Big brother acts so tough when I kiss his forehead but then sits almost on top of me when we go to read books.

    oh friend. this is proof in itself of what a good mother you will one day be. of the mother you are being right now to these boys. what a blessing you are to me, today, too. peace be with you… e.

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