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  1. It is always the simple things that speak the most truth to our souls 🙂

  2. recently bought a $5 bottle of dish soap. it smells yummy but every time I use it I feel wasteful and God speaks to me..again about being a steward over my finances. so He teaches us, and my belief is confirmed : work in the kitchen is a ministry and we are ministered to as we yield in the washing of dishes, prepping and cooking of food etc. will appreciate my $5 dish soap a little more and when it is gone will not replace it. and no it doesn’t work any better than the $1.79 bottle.
    thanks for like on my 1st five minute friday post…Broken. your words of encouragement are a blessing. happy resurrection weekend to you!

  3. Wonderful application from dish soap, Natasha. 🙂 The core of our overreactions run much deeper then first impressions. Surrender –the only answer.

  4. Control…I feel that I surrender it again and again only to find that it has taken root in my heart again. Thank you for your honesty this morning.

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      Oh, do I ever understand!

  5. fullherlife says:

    I’ve gotten to know this word lately…. SURRENDER. And I like it now, it’s so much easier than fighting or holding back. Thanks Natasha! 🙂 ~Amy

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      I feel like there are seasons for this word, for sure. And they are always growing seasons.

  6. Haha, God asks things that are so very counter intuitive, doesn’t He? “Want control? Then give it up.” Um….. come again? 😀 But really, it’s true. When we keep on grasping for that (imaginary) control, we feel the lack of control all the more. But when we surrender it and “let” Him be in control (as if He wasn’t already…), everything is so much more… I don’t know. Right. Still. Controlled. Even when it doesn’t feel or look that way.

    It’s crazy how many layers there is to this, isn’t it? It seems that just when I think I’ve really surrendered everything, God opens up a whole ‘nother area, and I’m left going–“How much more is there???” A lot apparently. I’m glad, though, that He doesn’t stop with the layers we can see. He gets all the way down, to the stuff we don’t even know about…

    Thanks for the reminder to surrender. 🙂

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      A favorite writer of mine is A.W. Tozer… he wrote a whole book about the “paradox of the Christian faith” where it is our defeat that brings us victory.

      1. I am reading “Knowledge of the Holy” by him right now! 🙂 What is the book you were referring to called?

        1. Natasha Metzler says:

          I think it might be titled The Pursuit of God… but I could be wrong on that. I read it when we were in Haiti and those couple lines are the ones that stuck with me. 🙂

          1. Oh okay, I read that one too. Apparently I didn’t remember… I’ll have to look. 🙂

            1. Natasha Metzler says:

              I’m sorry, that was wrong. I went and hunted it up… the title is “God’s Pursuit of Man” (the prequel to The Pursuit of God) and it was originally published under “Divine Conquest”.

              1. Ohh, that makes sense. 🙂 I want to read that one too…

  7. jessiquawittman says:

    Wipe the tears of self pity and kneel. Wow. Wow, wow, wow… Thank you sooo much, my dearly beloved friend. .

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      I think I might need to cross-stitch this on a pillow. 🙂

  8. Oh, I get the pushing thing! Personal bubbles are much smaller in this culture, and I still remember standing politely to one side in the open-air market one Friday (busiest day of the week), waiting for a break in the stream of humanity. Eventually it dawned on me that there wouldn’t be one…and I’d better start pushing!

    About the punchline of this post: Whew. yes. THANK you for writing it!

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      Yes, I think America is the only place that (sometimes!) caters to my personality. Probably it was someone like me who invented stoplights. 😉 (after sitting at an intersection for five hours, no doubt.)

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