Remember Who He Is…
I was wiping down the fridge the other day, going through all the little things we had stuck to it with magnets and tape. There was a note from my daughter, a bill that was coming due, a Bible verse written on a sticky note. I pulled them each off one by one, setting them neatly together.
Then I looked up and saw it.
Oh, Annie. My sweet baby girl. Her ultrasound pictures and all our dreams and prayers. I ran my finger over the photos. Such a tiny little peanut. All those days in the hospital came flooding back. Her little two pound body. Her precious little fingers and toes.
This morning I was reading in the first chapter of Revelation. There in verse four we’re told who is writing (John) and who he is writing to (the seven churches). Grace and peace is spoken as a blessing over them. Not from John, himself, but from Jesus Christ
the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth.
[pullquote]In life, death is an eternal sentence.
In eternity, it is not.[/pullquote]
We said goodbye to our Annie Cherie. All we have left are ultrasound pictures, hastily snapped cell phone photos from the NICU, a framed set of hand prints and foot prints, and all the dreams of raising our little girly.
But Jesus.
The first and the last. The one who descended into hell and now holds the keys to death and Hades. The Living One.
The Firstborn of the Dead.
First born. Not “only” born. He is the first born. There will be more to come.
For our sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes with the breaking of dawn.
[Jesus’] face was like the sun shining in full strength. (Rev. 1:16)
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What a beautiful thought. He is so faithful and true.