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  1. I call it “stream of conscious prayer”, but it’s the same thing…the never ceasing.

    Love the idea of wrestling prayer!

  2. Thank you for sharing this devotional. Prayer has been my new way of life so this really resonated with me. God brought me out of some difficult times and the best part of it was that he remade me into a prayerful woman. It is a choice I make everyday as “life” gets in the way. But it’s a new normal and I can’t imagine my life any different. Thank you for encouraging us to wrestle prayer and call to Him each and every day, all day! I started a prayer blog and prayer groups through my journey. It is amazing what God can do in us when we listen, obey and communicate with Him!
    Serving our High Priest,
    Damaris Avila

  3. Love this. My favorite part “I dont pray to God to get what I want. I pray for God to remake me.” Very wise words Ma’am!

  4. YES, to stay in conversation, and to recognize that it is meant to change us: these are things He is teaching me as well. Thanks for writing this out!

  5. I’m commenting on this partly to say yes! and cool, b/c my new year’s res. is to spend more time in contemplative prayer…but I’m ALSO commenting to get in touch w/ you 🙂 and to say that I just saw your new book advert’ed as a recent addition to the Lowville Mennonite Church library, and I love the title! I had no idea you had published another book but I think that’s exciting/fantastic, and I look forward to when I can take a look at it for myself…beyond just the compelling cover. Judging by that, I like it already 🙂

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      Hi, hi, hi!!! So happy to hear from you. And thank you! I loved working on that project.. 🙂 Hope things are going well for you. I think of you (and pray for you!) often.


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