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  1. I was excited to pick up a copy of Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet today thanks to your recommendation! And now I’m going to have to add that bit of fiction by Julie Klassen to my library wishlist as well. Thanks for the recommendations.

    And thank you for the powerful, poignant, touching posts you share with us throughout the year.

    P.S. Beautiful, beautiful photographs.

  2. Oh, I feel so honored to see Pineapple Siblings featured here! One of my favorite things from 2014 is that picture of the bunny…and that one of the cattle. 🙂

    Also, “The Blue Castle” by L. M. Montgomery, the music of Blossom Dearie, a keen little speaker that plugs into my laptop, the discovery of a tiny, nearby post office, the news that I’m going to be an aunt and-of course…Dotsy. As I’ve begun to call the new sister.

    1. Natasha Metzler says:

      LOVE Dotsy.

      And, oh, my word. I should have mentioned The Blue Castle!! I read it aloud to my husband and we LOVED it. I completely forgot. (I might even go back and write that one in– I just loved it so much. 🙂 )

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