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  1. Thank you, Natasha. The devil has certainly used infertility to try and draw me away from God. Your bullet points from James were such a needed reminder.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing the part that no one sees except He Who loves us most. My battle is depression and the war starts when I lose footing with those same lies. The footing of He is faithful to His promises in my family no matter what. But when it doesn’t look like it (faith) I begin to waver that can put me on a slide that flows through every emotion till I’m spent. Envy is the boulder I often times land on but then The Rock that is higher than I comes into view. 🤗 thank you again.

    1. Amen. He truly is a solid Rock that holds firm when we fall. He’s a good, good father. ❤️

  3. Amen. It’s not so much about babies now, but this..”By the time I handed the baby back, I felt like the ugliest, most unlikable, most ridiculous person to ever walk the face of the planet.” Yes. I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be, and all it takes is the smallest thing to beat me back down to feeling completely worthless.

  4. Amanda Erb says:

    I am so thankful for your posts. I read your book Pain Redeemed while walking through a season of infertility in my own life. Thank you for this powerful reminder and the opportunity to shift my focus, recognize areas where envy is entangling me and providing me with the opportunity to return back to my Father, the giver of all good things.

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